Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway of the Flash The Movies Release Was Held

On April 27, 2021 (Tuesday), a talk event for the media of "Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway of the Flash" was held. Originally, this event was scheduled to be held at the same time as "Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack" and "Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway of the Flash", but with the announcement of the state of emergency, only the talk event was held without spectators. Toru Furuya, who played Amuro Ray, and Mitsuhiro Oikawa, an actor known as a Gundam fan, took the stage and talked hotly about the two works.

Regarding the postponement of the release of "Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway of the Flash" on May 21, Mr. Oikawa said, "It has been delayed for a while, but expectations and love are still swelling."・ Show off Char Aznable's costume during the Zeon War. When I heard that the costumes would be given to the two of them, I was delighted to say, "Can I wear it at my live performance? Do you want to flip the cloak?" In addition, Mr. Furuya, who is the chairman of the judging committee at the "World Cosplay Summit" every year, said, "I am really happy with this costume because I only have the first Amuro uniform. Actually," Char's Counterattack "is in the Gundam series. It's my favorite work, so I'll wear it for this year's Cosplay Summit. "

When asked about the memories of "Char's Counterattack," Mr. Furuya said, "I remember when I first heard the title, I clicked,'Is Char the leading role.' But I read the script and the content of the work. If you understand, Amuro is really cool. Amuro wins when you put Sotheby's escape pod into Axis (laughs). The work "Char's Counterattack" shows Amuro's coolness and charm. "I thought it was a work to reconfirm," recalled Mr. Oikawa. "(Theatrical release) was when I was a high school student or a college student, but the speed of the dummy balloon and funnel was very exciting. I did. Amuro's "It's an ego, that's it" line appears twice, isn't it related to the mentality of Director Tomino at that time? ", He was showing off his analysis.

And the theme is "Mobile Suit Gundam: Flash Hathaway", which is about to be released. Mr. Furuya said, "Amuro does not appear in the novel, so (when I heard the appearance) I was really looking forward to how it would appear. The highlights are the battle in the city and the depiction of the cockpit. Also, although it is a small part, I think that the texture of the hotel chair, the flowers and pond of the botanical garden, etc. are also real and wonderful, "said Mr. Oikawa," (Gundam so far). (The point that I felt different from the series) Isn't Hathaway an adult? The Gundam series is a story development centered on basic boys, so I felt that it was different. There is an adult mood. The point that I felt wasn't there was that everyone talked a lot in the cockpit (laughs). Also, I'm gonna fall in love with Gigi. "

At the end of the talk, when asked, "What is a Gundam work for me?", Mr. Furuya said, "It's a life work. From 8-year-old Amuro in" THE ORIGIN "to 29-year-old Amuro in" Char's Counterattack ". I will play until, and I will also appear in "Flash of Hathaway" after that. I always want to play the whole life of a man named Amuro Ray. " Mr. Oikawa lightly answered, "It's Napolitan. I've loved it since I was a kid, and probably loved it for the rest of my life. Napolitan or sukiyaki."

At the end, Mr. Furuya said, "I understand that" Flash Hathaway "is the successor to the orthodox Universal Century from" Char's Counterattack. " I would like you to do it. Thank you. ", And the event is over. In applause, the two left the stage.

"Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway of the Flash" is scheduled to be released in theaters from May 21st. Let's burn the latest movie version of Gundam work into your eyes.

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