Discover the World of Gunpla: Building Your Passion for Gundam Model Kits

If you're a fan of model kits or anime, you've probably come across the term "Gunpla." But what exactly is Gunpla, and why is it such a big deal in the hobby community? Let's break it down in a casual, fun way and explore the connection between Gunpla and the iconic Gundam series, the various grades of Gunpla model kits, and the types of Gunpla action figures.

What is Gunpla?

Discover the World of Gunpla: Building Your Passion for Gundam Model Kits

"Gunpla" is short for "Gundam Plastic Model," a term that combines "Gundam" with "Plastic Model." Essentially, Gunpla refers to the model kits based on the mobile suits and characters from the Gundam anime franchise. These kits come unassembled, allowing hobbyists to build and customize their own versions of the iconic mechs. It's a hobby that blends creativity, patience, and a love for intricate details.

Gunpla and Gundam: A Perfect Match

The relationship between Gunpla and Gundam is like that of bread and butter—they just go together perfectly. Gundam, created by Sunrise, is a legendary anime series that debuted in 1979 with "Mobile Suit Gundam." The show's success spawned a massive franchise, including numerous TV series, movies, and, of course, model kits. Gunpla allows fans to bring the Gundam universe into the real world by building their favorite mobile suits and characters.

Grades of Gunpla Model Kits

Gunpla kits come in various grades, each catering to different levels of skill and detail preferences. Here are some of the popular grades you'll encounter:

High Grade (HG)

High Grade (HG) kits are the most accessible entry point into the world of Gunpla. Designed for beginners, these kits are 1/144 scale, striking a great balance between detail and ease of assembly. Despite being simpler compared to other grades, HG kits still offer impressive details and articulation, making them a favorite among new and casual builders who want a quick and satisfying build.

Real Grade (RG)

Real Grade (RG) kits take the 1/144 scale to the next level. These kits are a step up from High Grade, featuring more intricate parts and better articulation. RG kits are perfect for builders looking for a more challenging and detailed project. With their complex assembly and high level of detail, they provide an experience that closely mirrors that of more advanced grades while maintaining a manageable size.

Master Grade (MG)

Master Grade (MG) kits are 1/100 scale and cater to intermediate to advanced builders. These kits are known for their high level of detail and complexity, often including internal frames that enhance articulation and structural integrity. MG kits require more time and skill to assemble but reward builders with a more substantial and detailed finished product, making them a popular choice for serious hobbyists.

Perfect Grade (PG)

Perfect Grade (PG) kits are the pinnacle of Gunpla engineering, offering an unparalleled building experience. At 1/60 scale, PG kits boast incredible detail, complexity, and articulation. These kits are designed for serious builders who want the ultimate in model-building. With numerous parts, intricate mechanisms, and often including features like LED lighting, PG kits are a true test of a builder’s skill and patience.

Master Grade Extreme (MGEX)

Master Grade Extreme (MGEX) is a relatively new addition to the Gunpla lineup, taking the MG series to new heights. MGEX kits feature advanced engineering, enhanced details, and often include LED features and other high-end touches. These 1/100 scale kits push the boundaries of what Master Grade kits can achieve, offering an experience that is both challenging and rewarding for seasoned builders.

MGSD (Master Grade Super Deformed)

MGSD, or Master Grade Super Deformed, is an innovative line in the Gunpla universe that combines the intricate details and advanced engineering of Master Grade kits with the distinctive, exaggerated proportions of Super Deformed (SD) models. 

These kits are designed to offer the best of both worlds: the fun, cartoonish aesthetic of SD kits and the high level of detail and articulation typical of MG kits. MGSD kits are perfect for builders who appreciate the playful charm of SD designs but also crave the complexity and sophistication found in higher-grade models. 

Despite their compact size, MGSD kits feature impressive internal structures and often include advanced features like LED lighting, making them a delightful and challenging build for hobbyists of all levels.

Perfect Grade Unleashed (PG Unleashed)

Perfect Grade Unleashed (PG Unleashed) represents the top tier of Gunpla kits. These kits offer the most advanced technology, articulation, and detail available. 

The PG Unleashed series includes features like LED lights, full inner frames, and premium materials, setting new standards for what model kits can achieve. Designed for the most dedicated builders, PG Unleashed kits provide an unparalleled building experience and a stunning finished product.

Gunpla as Action Figures

Besides the model kits, Gunpla also ventures into the realm of action figures. These figures are pre-assembled and ready to be posed right out of the box. Some popular lines include:

Gundam Fix Figuration

Gundam Fix Figuration (GFF) is a prestigious line of action figures renowned for their exceptional detail and craftsmanship. Each figure is meticulously designed, featuring intricate paint applications and a high level of accuracy that closely mirrors the original designs from the Gundam series. GFF figures come with a variety of accessories and interchangeable parts, allowing collectors to customize and display their figures in numerous dynamic poses and configurations. 

This line caters to collectors who value detailed craftsmanship and aesthetic excellence but prefer to avoid the time-consuming assembly process associated with model kits. With GFF, fans can enjoy the artistry and engineering of Gundam figures right out of the box, making them a prized addition to any collection.

Robot Spirits (Robot Damashii)

Robot Damashii is celebrated for their high articulation and durability, making them perfect for dynamic posing and play. Each figure is designed with precision joints and sturdy materials, allowing for a wide range of motion and robust handling without compromising on detail. 

They're ideal for fans who want to experience the mobility and striking aesthetics of Gundam mechs without the time and effort required for assembly. Whether displayed in an action-packed pose on your shelf or used for imaginative play, these figures offer a versatile and accessible way to enjoy the Gundam universe.

Gundam Universe

Gundam Universe is a line of action figures that offers a more accessible and durable way to enjoy the iconic mechs from the Gundam series. These figures are designed to be robust and highly poseable, making them perfect for both play and display. 

Unlike traditional model kits, Gundam Universe figures come pre-assembled and ready to go right out of the box. They feature a slightly stylized design that emphasizes dynamic action poses and solid construction, appealing to both new fans and longtime collectors. The affordability and resilience of Gundam Universe figures make them an excellent entry point for those looking to dive into the Gundam world without the commitment of building model kits.

Metal Build

Metal Build is a premium line of Gundam figures known for its exceptional detail, die-cast metal components, and superb articulation. These figures are meticulously crafted to provide a high-end experience, combining the visual appeal of meticulously painted finishes with the sturdiness of metal parts. 

Metal Build figures often come with a range of accessories, including interchangeable weapons and hands, allowing for diverse and dynamic display options. The combination of detailed design, high-quality materials, and advanced engineering makes Metal Build figures a favorite among serious collectors who seek both aesthetic excellence and functional precision in their Gundam memorabilia.

Metal Structure

Metal Structure is the pinnacle of Gundam collectibles, offering an unprecedented level of detail and complexity. These figures are massive, meticulously designed, and often include intricate internal structures that are fully visible through transparent parts or removable panels. Metal Structure figures incorporate extensive use of die-cast metal, providing not only a substantial weight but also a premium feel. 

These models are often equipped with advanced features such as LED lighting and detailed cockpits, setting a new standard for realism and craftsmanship in Gundam collectibles. Designed for the most dedicated collectors, Metal Structure figures are true masterpieces that showcase the full potential of Gundam engineering and design.

Gunpla is a vibrant and diverse hobby that brings the fantastical world of Gundam to life. Whether you're into building intricate model kits or collecting detailed action figures, there's something for everyone in the Gunpla universe. So grab a kit, get your tools ready, and dive into the rewarding and creative world of Gunpla!