HG 1/144 OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius, Bandai

 HG 1/144 OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Dual Story:G-Unit is now available as High Grade Wing 1/144 scale model kit Bandai.

OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius

OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius is the upgraded form of the OZX-GU02A Gundam Geminass 02. It was piloted by MO-V's Odel Bernett when first introduced in New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Dual Story: G-Unit manga and by Corin Nander in the manga adaptation of ∀ Gundam series

HG 1/144 OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius

"1/144 Gundam Aesculapius HG" lineup. Reproduce the transformation from high mobility mode to close combat mode by deforming the shoulder binder and moving the backpack. 

Detailed details such as the large-diameter nozzle inside the shoulder binder and the beam sword in the stored state are realistically reproduced. Realistically reproduce weapons such as beam swords that use clear parts for the beam part

HG 1/144 OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius, Bandai

HG 1/144 OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius, Bandai

HG 1/144 OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius set contents

  • Body Unit
  • Python Claw
  • Beam saber

HG 1/144 OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius details

  • 1/144 scale assembly plastic model
  • Main product materials: PS / PE
  • Publisher : Bandai Spirit
  • Price : JPY 880
  • Release Date : July 1997
  • Re-Release Date : November 2021

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