G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

 From the Bandai Candy Division, the figure "Mobile Suit Gundam G Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set" is now available.

Mobile Suit Gundam G Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set

"Freedom Gundam" recorded in the first volume of the food toy "G Frame FA" that you can enjoy both the beauty of the form and the fun of posing that MS has, and "Justice" recorded in the second volume It is an optional parts set of "Gundam".

Including the large volume wing & Baraena plasma convergent beam cannon that can reproduce the high matte full burst mode of Freedom Gundam, "Fatum-00" that can also carry Justice Gundam, MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Saber, "Ambidextrous" Includes a wealth of weapons such as "Dextras Halberd"!

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set, Premium Bandai

G-Frame FA Freedom & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set set contents

  • 1 set of colored models : 
    • Freedom Gundam & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set
      • Freedom Wing Backpack
      • Freedom RailGun
      • Fatum 00
      • Lacerta Beam Saber
      • Dedicated Pedestal
  • Gum (Soda Flavor)

G-Frame FA Freedom & Justice Gundam Optional Parts Set Details

  • Material: Body & pedestal : ABS
  • Size:
    • H approx. 88mm x W approx. 235mm (Fatum-00 for Justice Gundam)
    • H approx. 118mm x W approx. 42mm (Wing for Freedom Gundam)
    • H approx. 90mm x W approx. 106mm (pedestal)
  • Distributor: Bandai Candy Division
  • Price: JPY 4,180
  • Limited to Premium Bandai, reservations will be accepted from 13:00 on February 18, 2022 (Friday).
  • Release Date: June 2022
    • * Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam are sold separately.

In addition, that giant unit that gives Freedom and Justice anti-ship and anti-fortress warfare capabilities will be released soon, so don't miss it!

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