From the "Mobile Suit Gundam" series, the 2nd installment of the gashapon model "EXCEED MODEL SD-MS", which completes an SD-style mobile suit by assembling parts from a round shape, is now available.. With a total height of about 83mm, pay attention to the cute and cool figure.

Gashapon Exceed Model SD-MS02

Bandai's gashapon comes with four variations of the high-mobility Zaku II! All of them are gorgeous lineups of ace aircraft that made a name for themselves in the history of the universe century!

Gashapon Exceed Model SD-MS02, Bandai

Gashapon Exceed Model SD-MS02, Bandai

Gashapon Exceed Model SD-MS02, Bandai

Gashapon Exceed Model SD-MS02, Bandai

Gashapon Exceed Model SD-MS02, Bandai

Exceed Model SD-MS02 Line Up

  • High Mobility Type Zaku II (Black Tri-Star)
  • High mobility type Zaku II (Black Tri-Star / commander machine)
  • High mobility type Zaku II (Shin Matsunaga machine)
  • High mobility type Zaku II (Johnny Ridden machine)

Exceed Model SD-MS02 Details

  • Capsule product
  • 4 types
  • Total length: about 8.3 cm
  • Publisher: Bandai Vendor Division
  • Price: 500 yen (tax included) once
  • Release Date: 2nd week of August 2022

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