GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set from SD Gundam Gaiden, is made into FIGURE Collectible by BANDAI SPIRIT.

BANDAI SPIRIT GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set From SD Gundam Gaiden

When the two moons overlap, Choukikoushin acquires the true awakening! The phantom Kikoushin, Arteia, is made into a model for the first time ever!!

You will get to see the entirety of the lost phantom Kikoushin, Arteia. The Satellite Canon weapon and Arflyer wing details and gimmicks are revealed thanks to the 3D modeling. Typical of the Ganso SD Gundam World, all the optional parts, such as the Nobel Crown of the head, use plated parts and clear parts. Combine this model with Choukikoushin Gungenesis (sold separately) to turn the huge Gungenesis into the even bigger Choukikoushin Gungenesis Final Ver.

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai

GANSO SD GUNDAM WORLD Kikoushin Arteia Choukikoushin Awakening Set, Premium Bandai


  • Collectible
  • Size: Height: approx 140mm (after assembly)
  • Material: ABS, PVC
  • Publisher: BANDAI SPIRIT
  • Price: 11,000 yen (including 10% tax)
  • Scheduled for release in April 2025
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