Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Introducing Wave's featured item "Wave Hobby Tool Series HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0) Plastic Model Tool HT-236", which is currently accepting reservations on!

Wave Hobby Tool Series HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0) Plastic Model Tool HT-236

A precision type punch that punches through materials such as thin plastic plates, aluminum plates, masking sheets, and cardboard in a 1 mm circle. The easy-to-hold grip shape is convenient for mass production of circular parts. You can improve the details with the punched material. Includes 1 spare punch pin.

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)

Plastic Model Tool HT-236 HG Precision Hole Punch (1.0)  Details

  • Punch diameter: 1.0 mm
  • Applicable materials: Plastic plate (recommended up to 0.5 mm thickness) / brass plate / aluminum plate (recommended up to 0.3 mm thickness) / masking sheet / cardboard, etc.
  • Publisher: Wave
  • Selling price on 1,848 yen (tax included)
  • Start date on April 20, 2021
  • Scheduled to be released on May 31, 2021

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