HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by @ishikawa

HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by HIGE is a gunpla custom build by a builder with name HIGE with gumpla.jp account @ishikawa.

Gunpla Custom Build : HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by @ishikawa

The HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam , masterfully customized by the Gunpla builder @ishikawa, stands as an exemplary model of unique modification and intricate detailing.

This is an older project. There was a great garage kit model available, and some minor adjustments were made to get as close as possible to that design. It became clear that the range of motion of the joints and the proportions of the limbs were not standard. However, the goal was to see how close it could get without making any major modifications. This was the extent of the adjustments made. The posing was only meant to imitate the fixed pose of the garage kit model. 

 The question remains—did the model capture the essence of the original idea, at least in terms of atmosphere? To achieve the desired look, it was necessary to modify and extend every joint: the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hips, knees, and ankles. In hindsight, there is a bit—no, actually quite a lot—of regret for not pushing the modifications even further. The backpack was created by modifying the knee joints of the Unicorn model and attaching commercially available vernier thrusters. The aim was to give it at least a bit of a movable appearance. 

 The complex detail on the waist of the Unit 7 was also created and attached, but it would have been better to extend the legs. Noticing various rough spots in the final result is somewhat disheartening.

HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by @ishikawa

HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by @ishikawa

HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by @ishikawa

HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by @ishikawa

HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by @ishikawa

HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by @ishikawa

HG 1/144 Light Armor 7th Gundam by @ishikawa


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