RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai


RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai

RG 1/144 Nu Gundam gets a Custom Unit to make it a double fin funnel. Expansion Parts will be released again in March 2021. First released in 2019 Silam, this Premium Bandai item is priced at 1,838 Yen.

RX-93 ν Gundam Double Fin Funnel Type

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium BandaiRG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai

RX-93 ν Gundam Double Fin Funnel Type (Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel Type) is a variant of the RX-93 ν Gundam and first appeared in Char's Counterattack Mobile Suit Variations.

Unlike the RX-93 ν Gundam, the Double Fin Funnel Type has its custom beam saber's storage rack removed to carry fin funnels on both sides of the back, resulting in a maximum of 12 fin funnels. In addition, the heavy weapon system can also be mounted on this unit.

RX-93 ν Gundam Fin Funnel

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai

Fin Funnel is a remote weapon unique to the ν Gundam. When attacking, it bends into a U shape and a magnetic field is created between the two generator arms for generating and accelerating the mega particles. Since they have built-in generators rather than the E-caps used by funnels, they are more expensive to construct, but they have longer operational time and fire more powerful beams. Each fin funnel has an output of 3.0 MW and can fire 7 shots in a single charge. 

The fin funnels also can generate a unique beam shield, known as a "fin funnel barrier", to protect against beam weaponry and solid projectiles. However, if an enemy funnel enters the barrier, it may cause physiological damage to the pilot due to psycho-wave interference. Although larger than normal funnels, the fin funnels have higher mobility as its triple block structure allows for AMBAC movements in addition to being propelled by its thruster.

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai

RG 1/144 RX-93 Nu Gundam gets a Custom Unit to make it a double fin funnel. Expansion Parts will be released again in March 2021. First released in 2019, this Premium Bandai item is priced at 1,838 Yen.

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai Box Art

In the sales package, this RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel is not included in the Body RG 1/144 RX-93 Nu Gundam, only Fin Funnel and Standbase are available.

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel Content

  • 6 x Fin Funnel
  • 1 x Exclusive Standbase Nu Gundam Logo
  • Water Slide Decal
RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai

RG 1/144 Expansion Parts for Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel, Premium Bandai

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