MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315


MG 1100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315

MG 1/100 Testament Gundam which is red in color changed to a very luxurious Metallic Gold color done by koichan315. The weaponry also changed to be simpler.

ZGMF-X12A (RGX-00) Testament

MG 1/100 Testament Gundam
MG 1/100 Testament Gundam, Bandai

ZGMF-X12A (RGX-00) Testament is a Mobile Suit developed by the ZAFT and later stolen by the Earth Alliance. It appears in the manga series Gundam SEED Destiny Astray and is piloted by Ash Gray and later by professional MS pilot Kaite Madigan.

A ZGMF-X Series unit created by ZAFT in CE 71, the Testament is designed for researching the Earth Alliance's Striker Packs and thus can use them. Like the other ZGMF-X units, it also has Neutron Jammer Canceller and is powered by a nuclear reactor. The Testament's name refers to "a covenant between God and humans", the idea being that Coordinators are gods and Naturals are humans. This name epitomizes the madness and hubris of ZAFT under Patrick Zala.

The Testament is never fielded in combat by ZAFT as it is stolen by EA/The Clan from GENESIS Alpha while ZGMF-X11A Regenerate Gundam is away. Following its theft, the suit is used by a special intelligence unit within the EA and given the model number, RGX-00. It is also upgraded with the Variable Phase Shift armor (VPS armor) and the Quantum Computer Virus Transmission System. 

Due to the VPS armor, Testament turns from gray to white after activation, and then to red during close combat. The virus transmission system originated from the NMS-X07PO Gel Finieto, it allows the Testament to infect the quantum computers of nearby mobile suits and hijack them. Located in the two large antennae on the head's sides, the system is mainly used to interfere with the enemy unit's sensors.

MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315

MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315

MG 1/100 Testament Gundam which is red in color changed to a very luxurious Metallic Gold color done by koichan315. The weaponry also changed to be simpler.

MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315
MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315

The combination of gold and matte black on this Testament Gundam armor looks really cool. The waist of the Testament Gundam is elevated, and its armament is given a funnel and a circular backpack. As far as can be seen, all of Testament's original weaponry was abandoned, so the MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 koichan315 version seems more simple but still fierce.

Title : MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌
Builder : koichan315
Base Gunpla : MG 1/100 Testament Gundam

MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315

MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315

MG 1/100 Testament Gundam 煌 by koichan315
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