G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Base Limited

Mobile Suit G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam from Gundam Factory Yokohama Moving Figure Full Scale is now available as action figure G-Frame GFY Limited Bandai.

Mobile Suit G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

The RX78-F00 Gundam comes in the G-Frame Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited series. The box art in Sky Blue made it appear brighter.

The Gundam has the same shape as the Gundam lined up in Mobile Suit Gundam G Frame 03. The RX-78F00 is reproduced by increasing the number of painted parts while keeping the movable and frame. There is only a G frame with a movable range, and you can stand freely. Armed with a beam rifle and a shield.

Upper body. Sky blue on the chest, markings on both sides, left and right lighting parts, gray on the thighs, etc. are added by painting for luxury use. The modeling is the same, but the style that emphasizes the deep streak solid of the G frame is compatible with RX-78F00.

Of course, full movement is alive and well. Dynamic poses that you can't think of as a toy are decided, such as the action of holding a rifle and the action of rushing with your hand on the beam saber.

And the structure that imaged Gundam-Dock which is the centerpiece. It is a simple assembly type, and it is a very powerful size that the G-frame fits comfortably.

When you put it in, it will look like this. The quiet appearance looks like looking at different sides of the G frame and is quite fresh. There is no sense of discomfort in the shape, and there is also a sense of precision.

Taking advantage of the movable G frame, there are also scenes where you can open the dock and come out. The combination with the structure expands your imagination. 

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama LimitedG-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama LimitedG-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam, Gundam Factory Yokohama Limited

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam Content Set

  • Action Figure G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam x 1
  • G-Frame Gundam Dock x 1
  • Gum x 1

G-Frame RX78-F00 Gundam Details

  • Publisher : BANDAI
  • Price : JYP 2,420
  • 1st Release Date : December 2020
  • Release date: March 2022
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