REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

 This is review of P-Bandai Gunpla HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set from Mobile Suits Gundam Red Giant 03rd MS Team Stars.

P-Bandai Gunpla HGUC 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set Review

This review about HGUC Red Three Giants team set from the "Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Bonds II" x Monthly "Gundam Ace" x Gunpla large-scale linked project. This set, priced at 6,050 yen, is available for pre-order from Premium Bandai.

Premium Packaging and Details

Despite being a Premium Bandai order item, the package stands out with its full-color design. The manual includes comprehensive explanations of the aircraft, aligning it with the quality of general sale items.

Red Three Giant Star Set

This set features three machines: two Gundam RR (Relage) units based on ground-based Gundam and GM RR (Reds) based on the ground-based GM with distinct weapons.

Gundam RR Features

Let's start with Gundam RR, which comes equipped with a 100mm machine gun, beam rifle, 180mm cannon, shield, Gatling revolver, right gun holder, left palm, and two saber blades. The set includes foil stickers and water transfer decals for color coding and detailing. Gundam RR showcases unique modifications inspired by Zeon's ace aircraft, with a distinct color scheme, a visor unit, and a newly-made backpack with a double rocket bazooka.

Comparisons and Details

The review delves into specific details, comparing changes in the head, torso, backpack, arms, and legs of Gundam RR with the base Ground Type Gundam. Notable changes include a visor addition, altered helmet shape, and a new backpack with a twin rocket bazooka.

Weaponry Showcase

Gundam RR's arsenal includes a 100mm machine gun, beam rifle, shield, rocket launcher, and more. The review provides insights into each weapon's design, functionality, and range of motion.

GM RR Edition

Transitioning to the GM RR Edition, the review introduces two units with different main weapons: Iron Bunker and Heat Spike specifications. Each unit includes surplus parts from the HGUC ground combat type GM.

GM RR Features

The Iron Bunker and Heat Spike versions exhibit unique characteristics. The Iron Bunker version, specialized in short-range combat, features a distinctive striking weapon. The Heat Spike version, modified for medium-range combat, showcases a weapon that shoots iron spears at high speed.

Comparisons and Details

Comparisons with the base Ground Combat Type GM highlight changes in the head, torso, backpack, arms, and legs. The review emphasizes the unique shapes, visor units, and distinct color schemes of the GM RR units.

Weaponry Showcase

Both Iron Bunker and Heat Spike versions come equipped with a variety of weapons, including a 100mm machine gun and unique shields. The review provides a detailed look at each weapon's design, functionality, and play value.


The review concludes with an overview of all three machines in the set, emphasizing their unique personalities, inspired coloring, and Zeon-inspired equipment. Despite being Federation aircraft, these models showcase individuality and play value, making the assembly and exploration of the kit an enjoyable experience.

In summary, the HGUC Red Three Giants Team Set offers a rare kit featuring variations of land battle type Gundam & GM. The distinctive visor parts, coloring, and unique weapons inspired by Zeon contribute to the set's appeal, providing enthusiasts with a captivating and enjoyable building experience.


REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

Gallery Comparison

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

REVIEW HG 1/144 Red Giant 03rd MS Team Set, Premium Bandai

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